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Syrup... Let's Make Syrup


Let's Make.... 

I have never made syrup and I am a grandmother, never too late to try.  
This turned out to be a fun recipe, great for kids and grandchildren with parent's help.  
If your children have friends help them, can you imagine them telling their parents 
they made.... SYRUP?  

How fun is that?

This would be a great activity for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 
Brownies, Cub Scouts, Campfire Girls, YMCA and other youth groups, too.

Read the recipe out loud and let the kids get all the ingredients, 
measuring spoons, etc.

1 cup water
3 cupsdark brown sugar (packed tightly in measuring cup)
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tespoons vailla extract

Heat non-stick frying pan on high heat until hot.

Pour in water and bring water to a boil.

When water boils, lower the heat to medium and add brownsugar and cinnamon, stirring constanty with a wooden spoon until sugar is completely melted, usually about 5 minutes.

Add vanilla extra and blend well over medium heat.

Pour or ladle syrup into jars and cool completely.


That's it, syrup is done.




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