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All About A Bake Sale Fundraiser



Bake Sale

Create fun treats that everyone smiles at
and must take home... 
photo ideas, too.

Bake sales are a great way to raise charitable donations for your school, church, club, and other non-profit organizations because once people have committed to contributing bake goods, the rest is easy. 

Okay, yes, there is more to it. 

Plan to offer a mixture of super-rich, low-fat and/or sugar-free items and providing recipe cards in case the shopper has family or friends food allergies.  Add a Bake Sale theme by simply laying colorful sugar shapes on top of desserts.  Cookies and cupcakes sell faster than larger, more elaborate cakes.  Cookies should be packaged in 6 or 12 cookies.  Use creative packaging, such as tissue paper, cellophane, baskets, etc.

Who can resist freshly baked cookies and cupcakes?  ADDED QUICK SALES:  Offer 1 cupcake or 2 cookies, plus a carton of milk!

Needed is a location, date and times of the bake sale, publicity (article in local newspapers, flyers on bulletin boards at schools, churches, grocery stores, laundries, etc.), volunteers to bake and decorate tempting goodies and place them in non-returnable containers, volunteers to receive, display and sell the tempting goodies (need tables, cash box) and last but not least, customers....

I've found that each contribution of decorated cakes, cookies, cupcakes, donuts sells better when the baker's name is with each item, sort of verifies a real person made these even if prepared cake mixes and cookie dough was used.  Adding information about what the proceeds will be used for on a 'thank you card' creates a warm grateful atmosphere. 

Perfect timing for Bake Sales is around any seasonal holiday, such as Fourth of July.  Christmas Holiday Bake Sales -- take orders from customers to make up small gifts for their neighbors and people they want to remember with homemade goodies.  Halloween is a fun time of year so treats displayed and/or wrapped in fun ways, such as plastic pumpkin containers, can turn a potential looker into a real buyer.  Military holidays appeal to active service people and veterans (hold bake sale at an American Legion Hall).  Thanksgiving, a good time for people to purchase "thank you" goodies as hostess gifts or thank you gifts, a rememberance to their families without the work involved at such a busy time of year.  Holidays are good times for bake sales... the customer gets something to eat for her family and friends.

Collaborate with other groups at 'their' fundraisers, asking permission to have your group's bake sale at their location.  Most of the pre-work will be done for your organization, just publicize, show up at the event, set up and sell.

Now to the actual goodies which can include cakes, cupcakes, cookies, donuts, pies..... the KEY is the decorations.  Plain items do not sell as well as decorated treats.  Dabs of frosting "glue" colorful sugar shapes or just add to already frosted goodies.  Sugar shapes are just what the name implies and is made completely of sugar and food coloring.  We carry over 200 PLUS sugar shapes for all occassions, such as kids birthday parties, holidays, bridal and anniversaries, baby showers and other special celebrations.
Animals - safari zoo animal sugar shapes        Baby feet sugar shapes       Bees sugar shapes      Bug assortment sugar shapes    Tropical fish sugar shapes        Western assortment sugar shapes       Tool sugar shapes

Crayon sugar shapes      Farm animal sugar shapes      Flowers - pansy sugar shapes      Football sugar shapes

Halloween mini spookies sugar shapes         Holiday - thanksgiving pilgrim hat sugar shapes         Holiday - christmas deluxe assortment sugar shapes         Stars patriotic red-white-blue sugar shapes



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