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All guests get a sheet of blank paper with a pencil and are asked to fold the paper in half. In big printed letters, ask them to write the name of the bride on the top half of the sheet and the name of the groom on the bottom half. Object is to make as many words as possible for each name in five minutes total time for both names. (For example: Kimberly and Richard. Kimberly: lime, like, rib; Richard: hard, rich, chard, rid). Guest with most correctly spelled words is the winner!
Bridal Purse

Prior to the party, the hostess makes up a list of things found in a women's purse, such as lipstick, safety pin, mirror, wallet, drivers license, piece of candy, needle & thread, fiancée's photograph, five dimes, three one dollar bills, address book, gum, etc. Each guest goes through their purse and the one that has the most items is the winner.


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