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Baking and Cooking Party


Baking and Cooking Party
by shopgirlaudi
(Esmeralda Cavazos)
Written Exclusively for The PartyWorks.com

Look what's cooking at our big birthday bash.

Write out invitations on recipe cards or make or print out your own recipe cards.
Cooking up some fun for (name)'s birthday so Join all the other little chefs on (date) at (time). Or From the kitchen of (name) and then write in the party information.

You don't really need decorations for a party in your kitchen especially since you will need most of your space for making your recipes. Add some streamers around a doorway or hang a nice banner decorated with pictures of cooking utensils or make a sign reading, "Welcome to (name)'s Bistro". Make and post a menu of the activities planned.

Your party plan can include making and decorating their own mini cakes. Use small Jiffy mixes in differnt flavors and let the kids choose. Have them add their own ingredients, mix their batters and pour into a mini cake pan. Have an adult put the cakes in the oven Keep track of each child's cake by making a "map" of the oven and the placement of each child's cake. When the cakes are done and have been removed from the oven (by an adult) and have cooled, let the kids ice and decorate their cakes.

Food and Snacks:
Since this is a baking/cooking party their creations will serve as the food and snacks. Have them make fruit kabobs. Have fresh fruit cut and stored in containers beforehand. Use chunks of cantelope, watermelon, or pineapple, grapes, strawberries, etc. Give the children wooden skewers to put their choice of fruit on.

Let kids make their own pizzas. Proved small premade pizza crusts and an assortment of toppings ( pepperoni, different kinds of cheeses, etc.). Have a contest for the funniest pizza face, the most original pizza face, etc.

Make your own cookies. Have a large selection of cookie cutters on hand. Walmart has a large box of an assortment of cutters. Look for it in the craft department in the cake decorating section. Let kids cut out shapes and after baking and cooling, let them ice and decorate their cookies and add sprinkles or small candies.

Goodie Bags and Prizes:
Fill a large measuring cup (Dollar Tree) with mini kitchen utensils such as a wisk, spatula, and rolling pin, measuring spoons, a paper chef's hat, a mini kid's cook book, some blank recipe cards, and a small package of cookie, brownie, cake, or muffin mix. A mini cake pan or muffin pan or an oven mitt or pot holder.

Prizes can be any of the above named items.

Games and Activities:
Pin the hat on the chef. Blow up a picture of the birthday child then make cut out chef's hats to use for the game.

Make pasta necklaces. Let the kids paint the pastas then string together. Use macaroni, penne, etc.

Let the kids make macaroni art. Provide construction paper, pasta, paints and glue.

Buy inexpensive canvas aprons. Let them kids decorate them with Scribble paints,chunky stamps or fabric crayons. Make sure to cover your work surfaces well.

Decorate paper place mats. Lets kids use markers, crayons, etc. Laminate or use clear contact paper.

Make paper chef's hats.
Step 1: Use a band of white poster board 26 inches long and 3 inches high. You'll also need 3 sheets of 20 x 30-inch white tissue paper. Fold each sheet in half the long way. Step 2: Gather and tape one of the short sides of each sheet along the hat band, overlapping the sheets slightly. Step 3: Curl the band tape side out, place it around a child's head, and paper clip the ends. Gather the tissue at the top taping it tightly together. Cut off the extra tissue, remove the paper clips, and turn right-side out. Reattach the paper clips, puff up the tissue, and start cooking!


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