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Bride on the Runway


Bride on the Runway

The bride-to-be leaves the room before the hostess announces there is a game to be played. Object is for the guests to remember and answer questions about what the bride-to-be was wearing. Pre-printed questionnaires can be distributed or give each guest a blank piece of paper and pencil while the hostess asks each question verbally. Allow five minutes for total game if using pre-printed form; allow one minute after each question is asked. When the game is finished, the bride-to-be comes back into the room, questions and guests answers are read aloud. The person with the most correct answers wins!

Sample questions:

1) What is she wearing? (dress, jeans and top, pants outfit, etc.)
2) What colors is she wearing (describing if plain colored, patterned, etc.)
3) What kind and color of shoes is she wearing?
4) How is she wearing her hair?
5) Name the jewelry she is wearing
6) What color fingernail polish is she wearing?
7) Is she wearing make-up?


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