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Easter Classroom Party Games


Party Games

Hippity Hop Bunny Says
(played like the Simple Simon Says game)

Bunny Says List Ideas
Hop once
Hope twice
Hop sideways
Hop backwards
Hop forward
Hop with your eyes closed
Hop like you are skipping rope
Hop like you are playing basketball
Hop and turn around
Hop and shout "Here Comes THE Bunny"
(add your own ideas to this list)


Easter Animals Faces
(ask the children to make faces to match the requests)
Get ready for lots of laughing

Face Request List Ideas
Acting surprised
Sad Eyes
Laughing out loud
Clowing around
(add your own ideas)

Chickie Egg & Spoon Race
(played like the standard Spoon game)

How to play:
  Divide the children into teams.  Provide a tablespoon (larger for younger children) to the first person of each team.  Prior to start of the game, set a pail or bowl or box at the other end of the room.  Prior to start of the game, place plastic colored eggs in a big bowl.  When the leader says "GO", the first person of each team places one plastic egg on their spoon, then runs to the bucket or box at the other end of the room, drops the plastic egg into the box, then rushes back to give the spoon to the next student.  Play continues until every one team finishes first.  Play the game again so that all students get a turn.


Bunny Tail
This is a cute game and should only be played in an outdoor location cause the children are going to be spirited and moving around a lot.  (Played like a whip when ice skating).

How to Play
Ask the children to stand up and form a circle and ask them to turn so they are facing the next childs back.  Ask them to put their hands around the waist of the person in front of them.  The leader selects one of the team to be the Bunny Tail and that child lets go of the person in front of them.  The person who no longer has anyone holding their waist is now the Bunny Head.  Back to the Bunny Tail, slip a red or brightly colored cloth, small towel, even a small pillow case in the back pocket or pants waist of the Bunny Head -- this is the Tail.  Start the music (optional) and the Bunny Head has to catch up to the Bunny Tail and take the colored cloth (tail).  When the tail is recovered by the Bunny Head, the game is over and starts again with a newly chosen Bunny Tail and a newly chosen Bunny Head.  Idea:  The children in the middle of this line can squiggle and help the Bunny Head to catch the Bunny Tail or make it difficult to get the Bunny Tail.  For older children, assign eah child as a Head or a Tail and as they are part of the whip, they can keep the Bunny Head from getting the Tail if they are on the Tail Team and vice versa. 




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