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Little Engineer that Could


Accessories you'll need:

Mini Stand Up Bear Pan
Tip: 3
Tips: 16, 18
Golden Yellow, Brown, Royal Blue, Copper, Wilton (No Taste) Red Icing Colors
Cake Board
Fanci-Foil Wrap
Small (3-1/4 in.) Romantic Heart Base
Buttercream Icing

Cardboard, masking or transparent tape

Make hat: Use only the bottom section of Romantic Heart Base. Cut a circle of cardboard to fit the large opening and tape in place; cover Heart Base with foil and tape. Set aside.

Trim ears off cake. Using tip 3, outline hands facial features, shirt and pants; pipe in mouth and eyes and smooth with finger dipped in cornstarch. Add tip 3 dots to eyes.

Using tip 16, star fill in face, arms and shirt. Pipe tip 16 C-motion shells for ears, then overpipe. Add tip 16 zigzag sleeve cuffs. Use tip 18 for the following: Star fill-in pants, suspenders and shoe tops; outline soles and fill-in with zigzags.

Pipe tip 16 pull-out hair. Position hat on cake top with the cardboard circle on top. Using tip 18, cover hat with stars, pipe brim outline over hair and cover brim with stars.

Serves 1


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