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Using holiday shape cookie cutters, trace on to holiday cards and cut out with decorative scissors or pinking shears. Glue glitter to the "edges" , punch hole in top, add a loop of ribbon or yarn to top to hang on trees, walls, doorways, etc.

Cut out the scenes or figures and back with red or green felt; add a ribbon or yarn loop for hanging.

Holiday Tree Door Hanger
Cut out a Christmas Tree from large poster board; cut out cards and paste/decoupage. On the points of each tree limb, glue beads.

Holiday Window Decorations
Cut out figures/scenes to decorate your windows for the holidays.

Holiday Wreaths
Whether pre-made fresh or artificial, add figures and/or scenes to ribbons, pine cones, etc. on the wreath.

Using Styrofoam, cardboard or metal wreath as the base, use whole card fronts or cut characters (or a combination of both) for decorations. First, wrap the wreath base in colored red and green yarn. Each year, you can continue to add greeting cards to make it fuller and fuller.

Using cardboard or actual wood or plastic photo frames, cut out characters and glue on. Put a clear coating on frame. Insert a family photo with "Christmastime 2000" (or appropriate year) to give as thank you gifts.

Using the above directions, do one frame for each holiday season and use as decorations each year to show the family over the years.

Using larger greeting cards, cut out a square in the middle of the card leaving the edges as a frame and insert photos.

Use the front of cards to decoupage children's furniture (tables, chairs, headboards, etc.) Make the furniture even more special by cutting out the signature, add the year the card was received and put at the bottom of each card.

Gifts for the Holidays
Decoupage the pictures to make gifts for the next holiday season:
· Holiday photo album
· Holiday placemats - collages by theme or a mixture of all holiday cut-outs
· Bread, Crackers or Potato Chip Baskets - Use whole card (for sturdiness), punch holes and thread with yarn to create a box shape
· Clear plastic cups with holiday yarns around the bottom - use for pencil cups or to hold small office items, such as paper clips, rubber bands, etc. 
· Remove label from baby formula cans, apply cards to cover around the can or one picture to the front of the can. Add ribbon and bow at the top f the can, fill with Spanish Moss about three-fourths of the way and it becomes a gift basket for homemade cookies, treats, etc. for small children.

Gift Boxes, Bags & Wrapping Paper
Decorate gift boxes and use generic designs for birthdays and anniversaries, saving the holiday ones for the next season. Use designer scissors or pinking shears to trim the edges. 

Cut out the characters and blue them to the top of gift boxes after they are wrapped matching to wrapping paper motif.

Round Containers are great ways to disguise your gifts. Wash and thoroughly dry large round ice cream containers (ask Baskin Robbins, etc.). Cut out characters, scenes and paste to container. Decoupage with a clear finish.

Cut out card scenes using pinking shears. Paste to craft or lunch bags.

Cut out old greeting cards and glue them to brown paper bags, white butcher paper or plain brown wrapping paper. For ease, wrap the gift "first"! Then using glue and glitter, paste the pictures all around the gift for a special personalized touch.

Glue greeting cards on old CD covers (the ones you get in the mail for internet services and advertising), make a hole or run a long loop of ribbon in the inside of the case and close to form a hanger.

For packages that are being shipped or mailed, use greeting cards to decorate the outside of the box or brown paper wrapping.

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