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Valentines - Candy Game - Questions


A simple game for Valentine Parties

The first thing that comes into most people's minds when they think of Valentine's Day is candy, candy, candy.
Test your candy IQ with this fun Candy Quiz! 


1. A sweet sign of affection?
2. Indian Burial Grounds?
3. The Galaxy?
4. The Red Planet?
5. The famous swashbuckling trio from days gone by?
6. When you don't laugh out loud?
7. When something slips out of your hand?
8. A famous author?
9. A famous baseball player?
10. A famous street in New York?
11. The Twin Cities?
12. Superman's other identity?
13. Every employees favorite day?
14. What is in bee hives?
15. Pleasingly plump?
16. Two female pronouns?
17. Another name for a kitty?
18. Some women are looking for him?
19. What the Titanic didn't have enough of?
20. An explosion on the Sun?
21. Decoupage that makes things look old?
22. Game points?
23. A dry cow?
24. Children from the cane fields in Hawaii?

Answers... Click Here 


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