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Water Slide


Who knew that a
horse shoe cake pan
or two could be the
perfect water slide?

Bake two horseshoe cakes and position
together in an "S" shape.
Generously ice tip blue.
Add a rippled effect to resemble water.
Ice sides brown then pat with
granulated brown sugar.

For the slides you can use a pvc pipe cut
in half lengthwise (can be cut for you
at a hardware store).
Frost inside blue to resemble the water.

For the Sand Towers:
Either stack cupcakes or cookies with frosting
between so they will hold together.
Frost brown and pat with brown sugar
to cover all sides and top.

Inner Tubes:
use mini chocolate donuts
(if they are too tall then cut in half
lengthwise keeping their round shape
and you then have two tubes from each donut.

For kids in inner tubes

Follow the countour
of the inner tube and pipe tip 2A torso
and head like images below for pool kids,
tip 9 legs and arms, tip 4 swim clothes,
tip 2 dot hands, feet, fingers,
toes and facial features.

For pool kids
Use tip 2A and a
90 angle to pipe the upper torso
like shown in the photo above.

To complete pool kids
Add tip 2A ball head, tuck in tip and
add tip 9 upright arms.
Add tip 1, 2 and 3 details.


For more information
or to order this cake pan go to



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