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Zoo Recipes<br>ZOO-rific Animals in the Kitchen


Zoo Recipes

ZOO ANIMALS... in the Kitchen

Kid Friendly Recipes!

Silly Face Pizza
You will need: English muffins (one half per guest), pizza sauce, shredded American or Mozzarella cheese; assorted pizza toppings. Split the English Muffins in half and give each child one half.  Let each child add pizza sauce, cheese and the toppings of their choice.  Bake pizzas on cookie sheet at 375 degrees F. for 5-10 minutes, or until cheese melts.

Crunchy Snacks
Combine your favorite treats in a large bowl (dried fruit, coconut, pretzels, raisins, candy coated chocolates, etc).
Then let your guests scoop out small cupfuls to snack on.

Pigs in a Blanket
Slice hot dogs lengthwise and cut cheese into strips.
Unroll refrigerated croissants and stuff them with the hot dogs and cheese. Roll croissants back up and bake as directed, or until golden brown.

Design your own Teddy cookie
Make your favorite sugar cookie recipe or purchase refrigerated sugar cookie dough. Roll out dough and cut with a teddy bear cookie cutter.  Cook as directed.  Once cookies are cooled - let the children decorate with icing and different candies to make faces, buttons, etc.

Colorful Fruit Parfait
In a parfait cup, layer yogurt, granola and fresh fruit (make it colorful!!!).  Top it with whipped topping and serve with long handled spoons. 

Lunch on a Stick
Cooked turkey, chopped sliced cheese, chopped cherry tomatoes, squares of bread.  Using a skewer, add on bits of each of the above!

Dessert on a Stick
Same as above but use fruits on the skewer instead of lunch food.

E N J O Y !!!!


Kelly Dash

– Make stuffed animals at home!



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