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Flag Flying 101


Mary Ann Ross
June 19, 2006

Flag Flying 101

Quick overview of rules for
displaying the USA flag properly

Which Way to Display
The flag can be displayed vertically or horizontally as long as the stars are on 'your' left side as you look at it.

Display Times
In the past, tradition indicated that flags should only be displayed after sunrise and taken down before sunset.  In recent years, however, flags are flown at night around the country in respect for the men and women that protect our country... the rule is that a light must shine on the flag as long as it is in darkness.

Flag Poles
When raising the flag on a flag pole, it should be run up quickly. When lowering the flag, it should descend the flag pole slowly.

The flag must never touch the ground and tradition has it that a flag must be destroyed (with respect) if it falls, drops or touches the ground.

When it is time to retire the flag, burning is the tradition; however, I strongly suggest bringing the flag to a local Veterans organization so that they may retire the flag in ceremony and with dignity.

There are written and
unwritten rules...

This is just my overview.

Treat your flag with respect, dignity and love
for it represents the glory of the United States,
its founders and all of its past and present citizens!


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